It Has Come to This

Posted on 05. Feb, 2007 by Brian Reid in General

Posting frequency has fallen off, so I’ll again pledge to get back on the wagon: you’ll get a post a day this week. They may not be long, they may not be insightful, but you’ll get ‘em.

No Responses to “It Has Come to This”

  1. KC

    05. Feb, 2007

    Heh it’s nice to be busy, isn’t it? I’ve been sending links to you via delicious, just in case you haven’t been checking.

  2. Rebel Dad

    05. Feb, 2007

    My goodness — since I post to through a browser applet, I haven’t been logging in, so I’ve missed the links. I do read Juggle regularly, but I look forward to looking through the others.

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