More Convention Talk

Posted on 29. Nov, 2006 by Brian Reid in General

Just when you thought the string of posts about the At-Home Dad Convention had finally come to an end …

Conventioneer and new at-home dad Howard Ludwig gave his impression of the event for the Daily Southtown in Chicago, and it gives a nice slice of what it was like to be there (and the kinds of guys the event attracted). At any rate, if you’ve been following the convention blog posts, Howard gives you another perspective.

By the way, the convention surveys have been tallied, and it can now be said — officially, and with scientific precision — that a good time was had by all. The “overall convention experience” scored 4.88 on a 5-point scale, and the “chance I will recommend the convention” scored 4.83. Incidentally, more than a third of those who filled out the survey mentioned that they learned about the event from a website — if you learned about it from me, thanks for making the effort to attend, and I hope to see you next year.

No Responses to “More Convention Talk”

  1. Phil

    29. Nov, 2006

    I wonder how many dads skip the convention or getting involved in their local groups because of the stereotypes and misconceptions Howard writes about in his article. It would be something if men could get past these and get involved in the at home dad community. Maybe then, Howard would feel “at home” with others in society, not just at the convention.

  2. trophyhusband

    29. Nov, 2006

    Phil hits the nail on the head, I couldn’t agree more. I’m beginning to wonder whether we aren’t our own worst enemy in terms of our cultural “acceptance”. Until we stop thinking and talking about ourselves as “oddballs”, we’ll never get there. (Case in point: the antediluvian articles in the UK press notwithstanding referenced in this blog earlier in the week)

    - Andy

  3. Al

    29. Nov, 2006

    Well, we are rare. And others do treat us strangely at times. I think that is the point he is making. I’m sure his language and points about at home dads will change after he’s been at this a little longer.

  4. Howard Ludwig

    30. Nov, 2006

    Hey guys, thanks for reading the column. Again, I want to stress that the column is written for a general audience (mostly folks living on the South Side of Chicago).

    As for feeling like an oddball, that may just be me playing the role of a stay-at-home dad rookie.


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