Now Steiner's Just Baiting Me

Posted on 16. Mar, 2006 by Brian Reid in General

No, we’re not all like that. (And if you’re having trouble finding us, just look here (OPML file).)

No Responses to “Now Steiner's Just Baiting Me”

  1. G.

    16. Mar, 2006

    Should we take this as the prose equivalent of trailing off into exasperated sputtering?

  2. Becky

    16. Mar, 2006

    It’s like a train wreck. Can’t. Stop. Looking.

  3. Chag

    16. Mar, 2006

    She baited me into leaving a comment.

    What year is it again?

  4. Sarah

    16. Mar, 2006

    Steiner is an asshole. She just wants everone else to be as bitter as she is.

  5. TK

    16. Mar, 2006

    The comment thread for this article is pretty enlightening and entertaining. A couple of my favorites are:

    “Asking “are all men like this” (i.e. stupid, incompetent, and unmotivated) is just as ridiculous as asking - are all *women* like this - anal, controlling, and testy?”

    The best guy response:
    “Yes, we’re all like that. The real secret is that we do in fact know exactly what to buy, but we call and ask these questions just to tick you off. We get a little thrill out of pushing your buttons, a thrill that far eclipses any momentary and minor verbal abuse we might take.”

    And of course the justification for writing this assinine article in the first place:
    “…chill a little. This is a blog. That means the author writes something which stimulates thought, thus it usually is a little biased and controversial. That makes us all post comments, which gets us all on the Posts website, and they can boast about how many clicks their site got to advertisers…everyone wins.”

  6. Baba

    16. Mar, 2006

    Is she just trying to make a sensation with this anti-male thing, or does she truly believe its moral (and part of her mission) to “protect humankind from the overly aggressive, overly logical male half of the species”?

    Is there any point to posting comments on her blog?

    Normally, I would laugh this stuff off, or think “well, the men she’s talking about make the rest of us look good.”

    Today, though, it makes me a little angry. But I’m already riled up with other sensationalism under the Washington Post flag on the topic of adoption: )

  7. Sandy

    16. Mar, 2006

    And how much does this remind you of Darla Shine’s story about her friends or her mom should “babysit” intead of her husband when she gets her hair highlighted?

    Ironic, given their different views on staying home with kids.

  8. Jeff Holmes

    16. Mar, 2006

    Not all men are like this, just the ones with mean spirited wives.

  9. KZ

    17. Mar, 2006

    Dude, stay away from her blog. It’s time to move on to someplace happier - like a blog on how to RSVP to a party on time.

    What you should do on is compile an anthology of Dads Who Do Things Right stories…

    “So, there I was, on the phone RSVPing to my friend for a birthday party that started five minutes ago, when her husband comes up to her and tells her he was expecting this, so made sure to bake a larger cake and bought enough favors for a few extra goodie bags. Without missing a beat, she thanked him, and I think I may have even heard a small kiss!

    Oooooh, I was so mad!

    How DARE he assume I’d be late accepting the invitation! And the nerve of her to thank the cretin. Next year, I’ll just show up at the door, without an RSVP.”

  10. devra

    17. Mar, 2006

    I would be interested to know how Steiner’s husband reacted to her blog entry.

  11. -Evan

    17. Mar, 2006

    I’m in agreement all the way around. Train wreck? Yes. Couldn’t resist being baited into a comment? Check. Steiner an asshole? Yessir… and I guess that makes it a perfect trifecta for me.

    (Jeez, that woman is positively toxic!)

  12. -Evan

    17. Mar, 2006

    P.S.- As long as we’re at it, anybody notice the Post’s monumentally condescending user’s guide at the bottom of the Steiner blog page: “We encourage users to analyze, comment on and even challenge’s articles, blogs, reviews and multimedia features.”

    Oooooooh, even challenge? Really? Golly, thanks…

  13. terminaldegree

    20. Mar, 2006

    Found you via Geeky Mom.

    I was horrified by this column. My dad, who grew up in the 40s and 50s, was the one who planned all the games and activities for my birthday parties. And he and my mom planned the food together. And he does the laundry and ironing without expecting praise each time. To read, in 2006, that “all men are like this,” is incredibly insulting to the many who can (gasp!) actually think for themselves. If the genders were turned around on that post, women would be screaming.

  14. devra

    20. Mar, 2006

    okay red on my face. I don’t know Steiner’s marrital status and should not have made any assumptions. My mistake and I apologize for not fact checking first. But I do still wonder how the males in her life felt about her question “Are all men like this?”

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