The End of Opinion

Posted on 16. Mar, 2006 by Brian Reid in General

I need to note that a great professional parenting blog experiment Opinionated Parenting has come to an end. OP was a weekly face-off between two bloggers who are fantastic in their own right, Laid-Off Dad and Mother in Chief, but the two writers never seemed to be able to break out the Crossfire-style format, which pretty much required that they disagree on the topic. It underscore a flaw similar to the recent mommy wars discussion: parenting is collaborative things, not an antagonistic one.

But I’ve held my tongue on Opinionate Parenting for a couple of reasons: 1) The two principals are great bloggers, doing their best and 2) I didn’t want to do anything to discourage large media companies from hiring thoughtful parent bloggers. The concept was close — all they needed to do was lift some of the constrains and let LOD and MIC have a *real* dialog.

Building an army: I was amazed to find, in this day of largely invented inter-parent battles, that was still available. So I stuck of the profits from the store and bought it. In a Google-run world, I think this gives the power to define the term, and I’ll share my official definition once I work out the kinds. Other than that, I have no idea what to do with the domain (I don’t think I can managed two blogs at my rebeldad pace). I’m open to suggestions.

No Responses to “The End of Opinion”

  1. freezio

    16. Mar, 2006

    Yeah, collaborative parenting’s definatly something to shoot for. There are plenty of other people to antagonize.
    Daddywars? Hmmn… I’m getting a mental picture of other fathers at little league games.

  2. chip

    16. Mar, 2006

    yeah, the disagreements on OP did seem somewhat forced and the format just was not compelling.

    As for the daddywars… when do we get to start them??

  3. devra

    16. Mar, 2006

    When does it start? Hell with that, I want to know what the uniform is going to look like! growwwwwl. Purrrrrr.

  4. Jeff

    16. Mar, 2006

    Should we all call our wives and ask them how we should be fighting the “daddywar”?

  5. Becky

    16. Mar, 2006

    No. Call Steiner. She’s the one fighting her little war. We aren’t.

  6. LOD

    21. Mar, 2006


    Your insights are dead-on. The chemistry never took hold, and the format never struck me as sustainable, since MIC and I didn’t disagree on everything.

    It also didn’t help that the woman who hired us quit three months later.

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