Posted on 01. Dec, 2005 by Brian Reid in General

Time to clear out the pile of stuff that’s been accumulating:

Ted Koppel, in his pre-Nightline days spent some time as an at-home dad. Who knew?

Opt-Out Revolution stories are a farce. I’ve posted again and again about the silly stories on upper-class women fleeing the workforce to stay home. It turns out that it’s not only the reasoning behind these stories that is flawed. The demographic trend of women leaving the workplace in larger numbers because of children doesn’t actually exist, according to the Center for Economic and Policy Research. Somehow, I’m willing to bet the stories will keep coming anyway.

Ad man Neil French was canned earlier this year for suggesting that women couldn’t hack it in his industry. Now he’s amended his remarks to point out that regardless of sex, kids make you a bad worker (They are “incompatible with the long hours needed to become a top creative.“) It’s a stupid statement on so many levels, not the least of which is that people who spend a lot of time around kids are, almost by definition, the most creative people on the planet. (Thanks to Chris of (Only) Man of the House for the tip.)

Finally, if you’re curious to read an angry, trapped-in-the-50s rant arguing somewhat incoherently that men shouldn’t be seen as the parenting equals of women, check out this column.

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  1. Jeff

    02. Dec, 2005

    Reading that article by Jennifer Roback Morse makes me wonder one thing…….
    Why isn’t she barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen?
    But then I got a look at her picture and quickly answered my own question.

  2. KZ

    02. Dec, 2005

    Morse totally got my goat. I think you handled it much better than I - call her for what she is and let it go at that. has a great discussion going about the opt-out stuff, including some comments by Linda Hurshman herself.

  3. chip

    08. Dec, 2005

    Yeah, I’m almost tempted to respond to Morse but it would really serve no purpose. She is clearly not in the reality based community, but is rather imprisoned and blinded by her own narrow ideological biases.

    What’s so sad is that there are dads and future dads out there who read this and accept it as fact, and thereby deprive themselves of what lots of moms take for granted. Morse is to be condemned if only for that.

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