Posted on 28. Apr, 2004 by Brian Reid in General

Drumroll please … I’d like to welcome to the blogosphere the man who, more than anyone else, is responsible for whatever national unity at-home fathers have: Peter Baylies.

The man behind the long-running and popular “At-Home Dad” newsletter and one of the driving forces behind the at-home dad convention is now back with his own blog (there’s also one here, but it’s not clear to me if Pete intends to keep both addresses up. The content is now identical …)

Seeing Pete make the leap to digital warms my heart. When I first started doing this online thing in the waning weeks of 2002, I was pretty lonely (Being Daddy (ret.) was out there, but I didn’t find him for a few months). Now, there is a growing group of us (see left), which gives me a boost. I wish Pete the best of luck in this new endeavor, and I have no doubt I’ll be linking to his site often. And when his book hits shelves, I’ll be writing about that, too.

Welcome, Mr. Baylies. We’re glad to have you.

(P.S. There is a small mountain of at-home dad news piling up. And I’ll get to it. One of these days …)

No Responses to “”

  1. Russ

    29. Apr, 2004

    Hey, rD thanks for the info on Pete’s site. I’ve been wondering what he’s been up to since the newsletter seemed to have stopped.

    There seems to be quite a few of us dads in the blogosphere now. The more the merrier. I’m sure his site will wind up on my list of favorites!

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