Posted on 15. Oct, 2003 by Brian Reid in General

Some quick hits today … but nothing Earth-shattering. For starters, the fine young people at the student newspaper at the University of Michigan (NCAA field hockey champs, 2001) put out this nice piece of work about a women-in-leadership conference. The story makes clear that at-home dads play a role in allowing these women to chase their dreams. Sounds like a great conference.

Of course, it’s going on in Michigan, a hotbed of at-home activity. A Rebel Dad reader wrote to remind me has a governor — Jennifer Granholm — who is married to an at-home dad — Dan Mulhern. Mulhern, the letter writer notes, has probably made more of an active effort to get men to recognize the opportunities of fatherhood than anyone in the past year yet has received next to no recognition. I happen to agree, and I will make a point of trying to drum up positive Dan Mulhern stories in the coming months. And any loyal reader who can demostrate their role in getting Mulhern press will be eligible for a prize (beer) from the Rebel Dad fridge.

I also received a nice note celebrating the re-emergence of the New Jersey dads group, who sponsored their own float in the Crayola 100th Anniversary Parade. Sounds like congrats are in order.

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