Posted on 14. May, 2003 by Brian Reid in General

Still trying to keep the energy level up after last week’s deluge. Let me start with another Mother’s Day piece, this one from the Raleigh News and Observer. It’s a heck of a comprehensive look at the effort of M.O.T.H.E.R. and others to stand up for (and create some) mother’s rights. And it gives voice to opponents, which explains a bit about the forces keeping primary caregivers from being taken seriously in any policy debate.

While we’re on the subject of mothers (and, by extension, Ann Crittenden), check out the final question in this piece. You can make it work on one income. (Even — and this should be kept in mind — if that one income happens to be hers.

(And as an aside, Daddy Day Care finished a respectable number two at the box office. Everything I’ve read suggests this means that Eddie Murphy hot again, not that dads taking care of kids is hot. But we will persevere.)

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