Archive for 'Uncategorized'

The 14 Things Moms Should Know About At-Home Dads

Posted on21. Aug, 2010 by Brian Reid.


You’ve all seen this kick-ass post from Chicago Pop over at Daddy Dialectic, right? Jeff nailed down 14 funny and true things that moms need to know to bust through whatever bizarre stereotypes might exist. So if you haven’t seen it yet, you really need to click over … Here’s a sampling: The Fourteen Points [...]


More on the Today Show and Marie Claire

Posted on20. Aug, 2010 by Brian Reid.


Last week’s airing of the Today Show piece related to Marie Claire’s take on at-home-fathers-as-status-symbols gave dads some more to chew on, and there are a couple of follow-ups worth making. First, Jason Sperber, the dad profiled by Today and by Marie Claire, wrote about his experiences on his blog. It’s worth the read. Part [...]


Can I Nominate NPM as a Convention Speaker for 2011?

Posted on18. Aug, 2010 by Brian Reid.


Via celeb site comes the news that Neil Patrick Harris is a) preparing to have a baby with his partner and b) considering bailing on showbiz to an at-home dad. While this would probably not be good for the cause of humor and mirth, it would make NPH one heck of a high profile [...]


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