Archive for 'General'
I'm Mr. Seahorse
Posted on30. Jun, 2009 by Brian Reid.
At the Mall of AmericaOriginally uploaded by Rebel Dad If you like your children’s books with a healthy dose of gender-equality (or better yet, widespread destruction of traditional gender roles), you really ought to be reading your kids “Mr. Seahorse,” an Eric Carle book on all of the fathers of the sea and the way [...]
A Local TV Broadcast That Puts It All Into Perspective
Posted on24. Jun, 2009 by Brian Reid.
OK. It’s official. If you are a TV producer doing a national piece and you don’t try to book Jeremy Adam Smith, you’re doing your job wrong. I love this piece, which — visually — isn’t that different from the run-of-the-mill dad story. But it makes clear that we’re dealing with changing gender roles and [...]
Donating Your Dadness to Science
Posted on23. Jun, 2009 by Brian Reid.
More good stuff from the academy. If you meet the criteria, consider checking it out: FATHERS WITH BABIES STUDY Every day, in the United States alone, over 10,000 men become the fathers of new babies. Surprisingly little is known about the social and emotional experiences of fathers with babies and young children. In an interest [...]