Archive for 'General'

On Excellent Fortune: Happy Mother's Day, RebelMom

Posted on10. May, 2009 by Brian Reid.


No one other than Pampers ever asks me what I want for Mother’s Day, which is only fair, given my sex. But, for the record, all I want on this holiday is more families in which moms and dads* work every day to be loving and supportive of each other and the kids and ready [...]


My Third Annual Open Letter to the Morons at Pampers

Posted on07. May, 2009 by Brian Reid.


Dear Pampers, When my youngest was born, I signed up for your nice e-mail service, in hopes of knocking a buck or two off of diapers every once a while. As part of your e-mail marking plan, you send me an e-mail *every Mother’s Day* that attempts to butter me up. Allow me to quote [...]


"Even the Most Enlightened, Feminist Males Struggle" With At-Home Role, Says ABC

Posted on06. May, 2009 by Brian Reid.


Somewhere, an engineer at Google is developing an algorithm that allows a computer to write the in-vogue working-man-loses-job-and-starts-doing-the-kid-thing story without any human intervention. All the computer would have to do is find a guy, automatically insert a generic harmless quote about adjusting to the role. There would be a quote from the spouse expressing support [...]


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