Archive for 'dad groups'

Urban Baby Doesn’t Get It, Either

Posted on13. Apr, 2010 by Brian Reid.


Thanks to DadWagon, I went back and looked at an extensive Q-and-A the New York Times Cityroom Blog did with Erin Sheehan, community editor of major parenting site/forum, back in February. Here is the part that caught my eye: Q: Where are all the stay-at-home dads in this city? How come we don’t have [...]


Welcome, Daddyshome

Posted on12. Apr, 2010 by Brian Reid.


Nothing makes me happier than to announce the slick web presence of the most important dad group you (probably) haven’t heard of: Daddyshome Inc., a 501(c)3 nonprofit dedicated to supporting fathers who serve as primary caretakers for their children. Their website,, just launched today, and they’re busy building in a number of resources, from [...]


NPR’s Half-Hearted Look at Re-Entering the Workforce

Posted on25. Mar, 2010 by Brian Reid.


Yesterday, NPR took a look at at-home dads, and they started the in the usual, easy, formulaic way: at an at-home dad playgroup (in this case, one of the ones in my old stomping ground). And then the piece pivots to talk about a big and important issue: how dads get back into the workforce [...]


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