Naval-Gazing on the Subject of Modern Men

Posted on 18. Apr, 2007 by Brian Reid in General

You know, for as much as I argue that we should take a good long look at how we define masculinity right now, it might be possible to overdo that analysis. Case-in-point: this Denver Post piece that tries super-hard to figure out what men should be, nowadays. While the overall conclusion — men can be mellowed-out caretakers — isn’t one I have any beef with, I get nervous whenever someone tries to argue that an entire gender is (or should be) headed in one direction.

All I want is for guys to have more choices about the way they construct their lives. I don’t want some deep debate about What That All Means that somehow involves George Clooney or John Wayne. It means more freedom and, hopefully, more satisfaction with life. End of story.

One Response to “Naval-Gazing on the Subject of Modern Men”

  1. Working Dad

    18. Apr, 2007

    Interesting article, though I think it’s more a collection of thoughts and ideas than a focused analytical piece. Perhaps the most interesting angle is: How will our sons inherit this legacy of masculunity, and what can we as dads do to help them? There is definitely food for a Father’s Day story here…

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