I'm Going to Kansas City/Kansas City, Here I Come

Posted on 09. Feb, 2007 by Brian Reid in General

The fine folks behind the 2007 At-Home Dad Convention have asked me to remind all of your that they are now heavy into the planning process for the shindig this November, and that all suggestions are welcome. There was a spurt of brainstorming right after the ’06 event, but some fresh thinking is in order, now that the hard-core planning is underway.

File your thoughts at the athomedad.org post on the subject or in the Convention forums. Personally, I’m especially interested in hearing from folks who have never been — what would spur you to make the trip?

No Responses to “I'm Going to Kansas City/Kansas City, Here I Come”

  1. Phil

    09. Feb, 2007

    what would spur you to make the trip?

    Lots of swag!

    Ha ha, actually, permission from the wife would be a big impetus to me going. And discount airline tickets.

  2. Brian C - GratefulDad

    09. Feb, 2007

    If they serve your local airpirt, check Southwest Ailrlines or Frontier Airlines. You might have a stop in Denver, but flights to Kansas City are fairly affordable, given it’s central location.

  3. dayv

    09. Feb, 2007

    We are also working on Swag. If you have ideas for sponsors, or know of corporations would be interested in sponsoring such a valuable event, please let us know.

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