
Posted on 03. Feb, 2007 by Brian Reid in General

Quick note: if you’ve requested your blog be added to the blogroll on the right rail, it should now be there. If it’s not, let me know. I’m in the process of pruning, too, and abandoned blogs will be removed over the next month or so. Same goes for the group list — the alpha-by-state list will vanish, leaving only the more attactive and more useful Google Maps at-home dad mashup. I’ll be basing the groups on the stellar list maintained by Bruce at Seattle Dads.

In addition, in keeping with Bruce’s suggestion that we lay to rest, I’ve removed another block of links to slowlane. If you see any active links to that site after about mid-2004, please let me know, and I’ll remove them.

No Responses to “Housecleaning”

  1. Brian C - GratefulDad

    03. Feb, 2007

    So, it is time to lay slowlane to rest and in my opinion, direct our efforts to But before doing so, I wanted to remind everyone to not be disrespectful to Jay for getting slowlane up and running for all those years. It was a beacon for me when I became an at-home dad seven years ago. Any name calling, like “” is uncalled for and refelective of only the person who coined the term. (You know who you are.) Here’s to you Jay, if you still read these boards…I salute you and your efforts. It was great meeting you at the conventions and I hope our paths cross again in the future. Until then, it is time to pass the torch.

    I am sure the stellar list Seattle’s Bruce compiled is the bestest thing in the whole wide world and will set the standard for all at-home dads to follow in the future. And, here’s to you Bruce!

  2. Peter

    04. Feb, 2007

    Cool blog — I bounced here from somewhere in the daddyblogosphere after starting up my own…

  3. Rebel Dad

    04. Feb, 2007

    Brian — Thanks for the post. I have been nothing but supportive of Jay and the effort from the get-go, and I don’t have a bad thing to say about him. But Slowlane is officially over, and I appreciate everything everyone is doing to move on …

  4. Phil

    05. Feb, 2007


    Do I hear a hint of sarcasm in your post? I’ve been known to mis-interpret a BC post in the past ;)
    Jay’s a good guy and has moved on. Its time for us to move on also.

  5. KC

    05. Feb, 2007

    Slowlane was the thing people needed a few years ago. Calling it slowlame is over the top. We know it’s a relic, but we have to build something better that will attract links and get some press.

    I’m happy to see effort and discussion along those lines.

  6. Kevin

    13. Feb, 2007

    I’m glad I found this blog and I did go to in the past, but with it not being updated for a long time I gave up on it.

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