Posted on 21. May, 2003 by Brian Reid in General
We always have a friend in Oprah. Oprah, the motivational speaker for people still on the couch, is celebrating men this month. And what better way to do that than by talking about … at-home dads.
There are two pieces (neither, sadly, appear to be linked online. Beers to anyone who can find ‘em) in the issue, which official hit newsstands today. The longer is a first-person account of a laid-off journo and his laid-off brother, who are learning to make do as at-home dads. It’s a wonderfully written, nice piece. The author is the kind of dad who probably should have told his story to Newsweek — someone who was forced into at-home daddydom but doesn’t resent it.
In a brief sidebar that accompanies the story, the mag does the densest overview of the Rebel Dad landscape I’ve ever seen, managing to cram Peter Baylies, Libby Gill, a DC MetroDad AND a New York at-home dad into a relative short piece. And O scores a scoop: the Census Bureau plans to release at-home dad numbers by the end of the summer. The nice folks at Census will be getting a Rebel Dad call this week — I’ll let you know what I find.