Posted on 22. Oct, 2004 by Brian Reid in General

It’s been a quiet week, and what little free time I’ve had has been eaten up by baseball. It’s a seasonal thing. It will pass and posting will grow more frequent. If you see anything on the at-home dad horizen, by all means let me know.

No Responses to “”

  1. Kevin

    24. Oct, 2004


    sombody has to say it

  2. Rebel Dad

    25. Oct, 2004

    And now you’ve said it. This is a Red Sox-supporting site, but as long as you don’t pledge loyalty to the Yankees, I’ll let you post comments.

  3. Hogan Hilling

    25. Oct, 2004

    I’m rooting for the Red Sox too!
    Hope they get the Bambino curse off their back.


  4. House Husband

    25. Oct, 2004

    Did any of you guys watch the USA v Australia Cricket match a little while back?

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