At-Home Dad Convention: Act Fast to Get Your Discount

Posted on 11. Aug, 2010 by Brian Reid in Uncategorized

Just a reminder: the early bird discount for the At-Home Dad Convention ends this weekend. Act now, and it’s 50 clams. The price jumps to $65 next week. (For some perspective, the early bird AHD rate is *10 times less* than the BlogHer blogger conference that just wrapped.)

If you’ve been before, you don’t need me to sell you on it. If you haven’t, it’s one hell of an inspirational weekend, and the guys are super. And I’ll be there, in the unlikely event that sways your decision.

Heck, I’ll do you one better: I’ll offer a money-back guarantee: if you show up and *don’t* have a good time, I’ll reimburse you for the registration fee. All you need to do is write a guest post for me on why you weren’t moved by the experience, and I’ll cut you a check.

[UPDATE: As a couple of commenters have noted, I failed to include a link or other information about the event. It's, and it's being held in Omaha on Oct. 2.]

3 Responses to “At-Home Dad Convention: Act Fast to Get Your Discount”

  1. beta dad

    11. Aug, 2010

    Uh…where and when is this thing?

  2. Matt

    12. Aug, 2010

    Your presence definitely sways my decision . . . just completed my registration!

  3. stephanie

    17. Aug, 2010

    link to event would be useful

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