The Work of Getting Back to Work

Posted on 05. Apr, 2010 by Brian Reid in Uncategorized

The big question when anyone leaves the work force — whether willingly, to be an at-home parent, or unwillingly, for economic reasons — is how you start the process of getting back into the work force. The whole question of re-entry is evergreen, and it shows up (some years more prominently than others) at the annual At-Home Dad Convention.

With that as a backdrop, the Washington Post ran an excellent story this weekend* on a 52-year-old Washington woman who had been out of the workforce after 17 years as an at-home moms. It is, at times, a heart-wrenching tale of struggle and failure, but it has a happy ending.

It’s good reading.

Also interesting is the Post chat featuring author Katherine Lewis. Two of my favorite bits have to do with dads. The first is Katherine’s note that the dad, who shows up little in the story and generally in the “breadwinner” role, is actually an active dad. One of the things that drives me nuts about mom-focused work-life stuff is the fact that dads are generally invisible.

The other part worth reading is Katherine’s judo move on a dad bellyaching about gender stereotypes that allow moms the “easy” choice of staying home while dads have the “burden” of breadwinning:

Bethesda, MD: This is a serious comment. As a husband and father, I would love it if my wife went out and supported the family while I stayed home with the kids! It just doesn’t seem fair to me that the economioc burden of supporting the family should rest entirely with one spouse.

Katherine Reynolds Lewis: Have you talked to your wife about this? You never know — she might go for it. I find more and more men who feel this way.

* Full disclosure: Katherine Lewis also blogs about work-life stuff at She is also a wonderful woman who once sat in the desk across from mine, a decade ago. So take that into account. But read the story anyway.

3 Responses to “The Work of Getting Back to Work”

  1. Katherine

    28. Apr, 2010

    Brian, thank you for the very kind words about my WaPoMag story! (Yes, I am just now catching up on reading my favorite blogs.)

    I was sorry that we didn’t have room to include a fantastic scene of the family’s dad easily fielding gourmet dinner prep, chatting with his in-laws and getting the youngest daughter ready for soccer. And this is a family with a full-time SAHM — so wonderfully stereotype busting. But you know how space constrained most publications are these days… I was happy to get as much space as we did for the piece.


  1. Overworked Husbands=At-Home Moms (But Not Vice Versa) | RebelDad - 06. Apr, 2010

    [...] I posted on Katherine Lewis’ great WaPo Magazine story on the struggles of a woman to get back into the workforce. But there is an even bigger question [...]

  2. Getting Back to Work | RebelDad - 20. Apr, 2010

    [...] the economy, the WSJ blog post and the Washington Post Magazine story earlier this month, there is a lot of chatter on the subject of re-entering the workforce. As [...]

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