Odds and Ends

Posted on 19. Feb, 2010 by Brian Reid in odds and ends

Some quick hits as you go into your weekend:

  • DadLabs.com just unveiled a redesign. Nice work, great site.
  • If you missed it last week, the NY Times looked at President Obama’s work-life balance. I tend not to believe the air-brushed version of family presented for any public figure, which tempers the warm feelings generated by the piece. And I’m not aware of Obama putting any family-centric policies on his agenda.
  • The Juggle at the WSJ tackled paternity leave. Comments are probably the most interesting part of the piece. I’d love to see a reporter really run paternity leave numbers. I think we might be close to the beginning of a revolution in that area. The very beginning …
  • I get lots of crappy pitches from PR people. But I have to give credit to Clorox, which is pushing bleach by a) actually modifying their pitch to me so it seems to be about dads, b) invoking the 5-second rule and c) enlisting Samantha Bee (?) to hawk their products. I’m still a 5-second rule guy, but I give them points for effort.

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