Key Stuff to Know About the 2009 At-Home Dad Convention (Such As: I Will Be There)

Posted on 12. Aug, 2009 by Brian Reid in General

Things are coming together for the 14th annual At-Home Dad Convention (Oct. 10, in Omaha), so I wanted to share some stuff you should know.

  • I *will* be there this year, after a few years off. I’ll be doing a session on dads and the Internet.
  • The early registration discount ends on August 15. So do yourself a favor and register, like, today. If you don’t have the funds, there is a scholarship available. Let me know and I’ll put you in touch with the right guys.
  • Everyone who is anyone will be there this year. The most famous researcher on at-home dads (Aaron Rochlen) will present. The most famous dad-book-writer (Jeremy Adam Smith of “Daddy Shift” fame) will present. So will Hogan Hilling (“The Modern Mom’s Guide to Dads“). And the guy who built the New York dads group into a powerhouse (Lance Somerfeld) will be there.
  • That’s just the start. There’s a lot more on the program, and I’ll be flagging it as we get closer to the date. Let me know in the comments if I can expect to see you there.

16 Responses to “Key Stuff to Know About the 2009 At-Home Dad Convention (Such As: I Will Be There)”

  1. Phil

    12. Aug, 2009


    Its looking more like Jeremy Adam Smith will not be able to make it. His busy schedule will probably not allow him to come to Omaha. He’s a very busy man. It would be great if he can work it out, though. That’s my fault for not keeping you up to date on his situation.

    I encourage all at home dads to try to make it to Omaha this year.

  2. Sikantis

    13. Aug, 2009

    Wow, I didn’t know that there is such a convention at all!

  3. Phil

    13. Aug, 2009


    As long as your registration is postmarked by the 15th, you’ll be fine.


  4. Buck "Daddy" Rogers

    14. Aug, 2009

    I wish it was closer bc I would love to attend

  5. Working Dad

    14. Aug, 2009

    I just need a magazine to cover my expenses and I’m there to cover it.

  6. Shannon

    15. Aug, 2009

    KCDADS are going to make it. There will be around 8 of us going, maybe more.

  7. Chad Too

    18. Aug, 2009

    I can’t make it, I’ve got a wedding to attend that day in Boston. Bummer.

  8. Ted

    20. Aug, 2009

    Congratulations! Our selection committee compiled an exclusive list of the Top 100 Dad Blogs, and yours was included! Check it out at

    You can claim your Top 100 Blogs Award Badge at


  9. Joe

    20. Aug, 2009

    Is one of the discussion topics going to be how you shouldn’t trust your children with other SAH dads because they are obviously all child molesters?

  10. silvio

    20. Aug, 2009

    That is an outrageous article. Speaking as a male at-home parent and educator — you should be ashamed.

  11. Anonymous

    20. Aug, 2009

    Give me a break. He was speaking candidly about misgivings he had leaving his daughter alone with a man with whom he has no relationship.

    That is quite different from saying he wouldn’t leave his child with ANY man, let alone at SAHD he had a relationship with.

    Don’t be inaccurate.

  12. Anonymous

    20. Aug, 2009

    Yet he has no problem leaving his daughter with a woman he has no relationship with. This is the kind of blatant sexism that he is supposedly fighting against.

  13. Greg Berbera

    23. Aug, 2009

    I’d love to return to the convention… but I may be in Baltimore for the city’s beer week.

    I know, decisions, decisions.

  14. Phil

    24. Aug, 2009

    Jeremy is IN for the convention. He will be one of the featured speakers listed in your post above. We are excited to have him.

  15. david

    22. Dec, 2009

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  16. Anonymous

    28. Dec, 2009

    Yet he has no problem leaving his daughter with a woman he has no relationship with. This is the kind of blatant sexism that he is supposedly fighting against.
    The one in the vidoe has cashcrate in special lettering on top of the return address and the second check does not. Thanks for the tips. I’ll give it a try.

    part time job

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