Happy Dads Day to All

Posted on 21. Jun, 2009 by Brian Reid in General

I usually wake up early to give a Father’s Day shoutout to all of the fathers out there doing right by their kids, but my first present this morning was a couple of extra hours of sleep (thanks, RebelMom!), so I’m running behind. That said, let me throw out some quick hits:

  • Happy Father’s Day, Jimbo. Everything I know about loving kids unconditionally I learned from you.
  • Thanks to RebelMom, not just for letting me sleep in this morning, but for working with me every day to make sure that we’re making the best possible decision for the kids … and the marriage.
  • Thanks to all of the other Rebel Dads out there for making involved fatherhood a reality. And thanks to everyone who has supported those dads: parenting is never a solo effort.
  • Longtime readers my remember back when I tried to chronicle every Father’s Day story about at-home dads, back when such stories were rare enough that such a project made sense. (I also had more free time back them.) But various folks *are* scanning the headlines. You may want to check out Daddy Dialectic’s link round up (“part 1″). Or check out Daddy Types’ “Token Father’s Day Story Contest,” which is loaded with wonderful stories that I would love to mock, if time permits, in the days to come.

4 Responses to “Happy Dads Day to All”

  1. neolex

    21. Jun, 2009

    happy father’s day!

  2. Aaron Rochlen

    22. Jun, 2009

    hope you had a Happy Fathers day, Brian. I’ve actually learned quite a bit through rebeldad.com and enjoy our relationship. We need to get on TV again soon.. :-)

  3. Jeff

    23. Jun, 2009

    A couple extra hours sleep on Father’s Day is all most new Dad’s are looking for.


  4. Mocha Dad

    23. Jun, 2009

    I hope you had a wonderful Father’s Day.

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