My Third Annual Open Letter to the Morons at Pampers

Posted on 07. May, 2009 by Brian Reid in General

Dear Pampers,

When my youngest was born, I signed up for your nice e-mail service, in hopes of knocking a buck or two off of diapers every once a while. As part of your e-mail marking plan, you send me an e-mail *every Mother’s Day* that attempts to butter me up. Allow me to quote from the latest edition:
Happy Mother’s Day, BRIAN,
Whether it’s your first Mother’s Day or beyond, it’s always a great day to bask in your family’s appreciation. …
I cannot watch TV or open a magazine without someone telling me how the recession/new gender roles/Gen Y fathers/etc. are changing fatherhood and how no aspect of parenting, beyond the actual birth and breastfeeding, is the sole domain of moms anymore. Certainly, there are millions of dads out there buying diapers. It’s not exactly a secret.
And yet, every year, you blanket me (and, presumably tens of thousands of other dads) with a sweet reminder that one of the largest consumer-products companies in the history of the world still assumes that every person who wants diaper coupons is a women.
That’s dumb, and it makes us guys feel less warm and fuzzy about your brand.
Happy Mother’s Day,

5 Responses to “My Third Annual Open Letter to the Morons at Pampers”

  1. Kelly M Bray

    10. May, 2009

    I was at the pediatrician for a nurse check for my 12 year old. Even though it was three in the afternoon, the waiting room was full of dads. One mom and eight dads. Dads with arms full of kids of all ages. The reading material… mom oriented throw away magazines. Articles about moms, moms and daughters, a few moms and sons. Sighhhhh, so far we have gone, so far we have to go

  2. B Cox

    11. May, 2009

    I have, within the last year, moved to a new town, in N Georgia. I was lucky enough to find a pediatrician that has field and stream…and they are current.

  3. C Clower

    28. May, 2009

    I too have seen how every parenting magazine is geared towards mothers. I am a working Mom who is so very thankful for my husband who gave up his career to raise our children..I could not do what I do if it was not for him. I was once the stay at home Mom and know what he feels and goes through except the isolation because not one of his freinds or family see what he is doing as heroic (I Do)!! Thank You for this site!!! Keep it up! Lets change the way stay-at-home Dad’s are seen. They are my heroes!!


  1. PR, Daddyblogging and the Long Road to Equity | RebelDad - 14. Apr, 2010

    [...] to portray iPhone-toting guys as incompetent parents. They’d be less likely to assume that diaper-club members are automatically moms. Heck, even Jif — which made the single most encouraging (for dads) TV commercial of the last [...]

  2. My Fourth Annual Open Letter to the Morons at Pampers | RebelDad - 23. Jun, 2010

    [...] is the fourth straight year that you’ve sent me a generic Mother’s Day message, despite the fact that I am — [...]

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