A New York State of Mind

Posted on 24. Mar, 2009 by Brian Reid in General

One of the biggest puzzles of the at-home dad community was that there wasn’t any in New York City. For the longest time — despite the fact that the place is overrun with them (I’ve been to Park Slope. I’ve seen it with my own eyes) — I’ve looked for formal dad groups in the five boroughs and come up short. That doesn’t mean there aren’t dozens of informal groups all over the place, but it did mean that no one was really turning to the Internet to find like-minded fathers.

That’s changing now, and Crain’s New York Business has done a nice job of capturing the newest group (click the link now; I have no idea how much longer it will be good). There is going to be a lot more journalism about the new crop of at-home dads; I hope it will be half as sweet as the Crain’s piece.

One Response to “A New York State of Mind”

  1. Annie

    30. Mar, 2009

    One bad thing about the article is that is makes it sound like the main reason there are more and more stay at home dads is because there are more and more laid-off men. Not because society is getting more modern, oh no.

    Part of it could be journalists’ need for a news peg. But I also think it could be journalists’ need to CATER to the mainstream public’s views of the world. Which I think sucks, and I think many journalists do more than they should. I’m saying this as a journalist, by the way, who has no problem criticizing the industry, due to also being an intellectual ;-)

    Awesome site, by the way!

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