Done with the Playgroup Brouhaha

Posted on 15. Feb, 2008 by Brian Reid in General

I received a nice note last night from Cynical Dad, who urged me to not to give Lindsay Ferrier the satisfaction of additional attention, given that a) it’s pretty clear that she doesn’t get it (or doesn’t care) and b) it’s pretty clear that she delights in the flame war.

So though I think this is an important topic, and one I’ll keep writing about, I’m done with her. No more links. No more engagement. No more pretending that this is some sort of real debate.

So we’re clear, let me make one, final declaratory statement: I believe that isolation is a serious problem for a huge number of parents. Moms. Dads. At-home parents. Go-to-work parents. And if someone should be brave enough to come to me as a neighbor or a friend or a blogger and ask for my help in fighting those issues, I will do everything in my power to help them. Period.

4 Responses to “Done with the Playgroup Brouhaha”

  1. Dave

    16. Feb, 2008

    I appreciate your work!! You went to bat for me a year or so ago.. What a wierd playgroup that woulda been.. bi-sexual women looking for “some” during playdates.. hmm.. maybe I shoulda told CPS..

    Anyway.. it _is_ good to know that there is a voice out there keeping an eye on thing for us!




  2. Mark

    16. Feb, 2008

    Probably for the best. From the her replies to the various people who had the audacity to question her on the first column, to the condescending way she commented on other dad blogs, to this absolute train wreck of a second column…yech. “Weeeeee! Hey, let’s ignore any of the reasonable opposing viewpoints and commentary in favor of handpicking the absolute goofiest and creepiest comments I can find and generalizing those to cover not just all SAHDs, but all men in general by extention. And remember, I’m funny! You know it’s true because I’ll keep telling you it’s a humor column! Tee-hee!”

    It’s obvious she’s got no interest in having a dialogue, she just wants to get hits and stir things up. Thank god I’m with a more intelligent and reasonable woman, and get the privilege of associating with other, much better, examples of the gender.

  3. SkumChiken

    16. Feb, 2008

    she disabled the comments section on her blog post relating to that article… typical spoiled brat, she couldn’t handle the criticism she was getting.

  4. SkumChiken

    16. Feb, 2008

    ooops, should’ve been more clear - she disabled the comments regarding the blog post dealing with her *first* attack on SAHD’s.

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