Fresh Dad Numbers, All in One Place

Posted on 28. Sep, 2010 by Brian Reid in Uncategorized

In preparation for my presentation at the At-Home Dad Convention on Saturday (you’re going, right), I’ve made sure that my at-home dad statistics page is up to date. I’ve realized that there are a bunch of numbers that I’ve come to rely upon that are no longer being updated, and I’m trying to see if I can track ‘em down before Saturday. (Demographically engaged readers: I’m looking for SIPP child care data more recent than summer, 2006 …)

Of note, I realized that I missed this highly dubious (but encouraging!) survey from Spike TV that said that 73 percent of guys were at least “somewhat” willing to do the at-home dad thing. Food for thought.

One Response to “Fresh Dad Numbers, All in One Place”

  1. Al Pollard

    28. Sep, 2010

    Somewhat willing? Not exactly exciting:) Just remember what Mark Twain said… there are lies, damned lies, and statistics.

    Hope to make it next year. Have fun!


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