The 14 Things Moms Should Know About At-Home Dads

Posted on 21. Aug, 2010 by Brian Reid in Uncategorized

You’ve all seen this kick-ass post from Chicago Pop over at Daddy Dialectic, right? Jeff nailed down 14 funny and true things that moms need to know to bust through whatever bizarre stereotypes might exist. So if you haven’t seen it yet, you really need to click over …

Here’s a sampling:

The Fourteen Points

#1. I don’t want to sleep with you. So can we please just chill about that.

#8. Every time your kid sees a SAHD with a stroller in the park, packing his kid’s lunch, handling visits to the doctor, picking him up from preschool, or hanging with their own mom on a playdate, she’s that much less likely to grow up believing that these things must always be women’s work.

#9. If I never see your husband doing any of the above-listed things on weekends, days-off, or after work, I start to think you’ve got a bum deal and maybe think they really are women’s work.

#14. I also really enjoy, and maybe even prefer, talking about things that have little to do with parenting.

One Response to “The 14 Things Moms Should Know About At-Home Dads”

  1. Rebelmom

    01. Sep, 2010

    Wow. This demonstrates a really low opinion of women.

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