George Lopez on SAHDs: ‘Your Ass is Unemployed’

Posted on 20. May, 2010 by Brian Reid in television

OK. We knew that George Lopez was a moron when it came to stay-at-home dads (back in November, he made fun of Todd Palin — who, for starters, is not an at-home dad — for being a SAHD and a “bum”). But it’s apparently become a standard part of his shtick. If you don’t need to hear him go after Sarah Palin, you can skip to the 2:15 mark:

I want to have a sense of humor about these things, but I really don’t see how mocking a guy who is raising his kid is all that funny. George seems to assume that childrearing is all about slicing apples, which suggests that he knows jack about what goes into being an at-home parent.

There is also the stench of sexism there, too. If Lopez were going around calling at-home moms “unemployed” and “bums,” you’d have a riot on your hands (and for good reason). But I don’t think that Lopez pulls his punches when it comes to parkgoing, apple-slicing moms because he’s afraid of the repercussions. I assume he doesn’t make at-home moms jokes because he doesn’t seem anything unusual about moms making that choice. Or, to put it bluntly, he seems to be implying that women belong in the kitchen and men belong “employed.”

Not funny, George. Not funny at all.

9 Responses to “George Lopez on SAHDs: ‘Your Ass is Unemployed’”

  1. Chris (@tessasdad)

    20. May, 2010

    How do you say douche in Spanish?

  2. RebelMom

    23. May, 2010

    Well, the same day I saw this I saw a men’s room in Runza *with* a changing table sign on the door. That’s good.

  3. Distracted Daddy

    28. May, 2010

    It’s hard to find George Lopez funny at all. Can’t wait for Conan O’Brien to bump his spot on TBS.

  4. Papa K

    31. May, 2010

    I never found GL even remotely funny. Now… he’s not just unfunny… he’s also an asshole.

  5. Keith Wilcox

    03. Jun, 2010

    George Lopez has never been funny. His jokes are moderately funny, but he does that weird expression, turning sideways thing after every punchline. That’s the most annoying part. It’s a very bad imitation of Rodney Dangerfield (who could actually pull off the facial expression to work with his comedy). Yeah, Lopez isn’t funny so I’m not surprised he’s continuing to be unfunny. I’d be more surprised if he said something I laughed at :-)

  6. Danielle

    11. Jun, 2010

    Though George Lopez is blatantly unfunny, I really never had a concrete reason to dislike him until now (naturally, I can’t bring myself to actually watch any of his standup). Thanks for giving me that reason.

  7. Theresa Molina

    30. Jun, 2010

    My hubby and I are debating this our-selfs in the face of our first child; the true cost of day care vs. a stay at home parent. I can only say that sadly Gorge is mimicking how a majority of society feels. I wish that people could look at a SAHD the same as a SAHM.

  8. Erik

    16. Jul, 2010

    OH that drives me nuts. I’d rather say I’m a stay at home dad, than ” I’m in between jobs”.


  1. Deport George Lopez « Hands To War - 03. Jun, 2010

    [...] that George Lopez would think I was lying! (Mom, click the underlined text right before these parentheses that say “George Lopez [...]

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