On More Media Request: Any SoCal Dads Out There?

Posted on 27. Oct, 2009 by Brian Reid in General

From my inbox:

I work for a nationally syndicated CBS health and medical talk show, called “The Doctors”. …

My reason for reaching out to you involves an upcoming family show that we will be taping at our stage at Paramount Studios in Hollywood, CA on Thursday, November 5th, 2009. The theme of the show is Ask Our Doctors: Family Edition. The show will feature some very special guests, our new mommy correspondent, Brooke Burke, and three Sesame Street Characters—Oscar the Grouch, Zoe, and Prairie Dawn. Brooke Burke does a lot of work in the field for us and the next the she wants to tackle is stay at home dads. She will be the liaison between stay the new stay at home dad and “The Doctors”. Ideally, she’d love to do a house call with a new stay at home dad in the Los Angeles/Orange County area that needs some help in the organization of the household while mom is at work. She will bring a lot of first hand knowledge to the table. I would love for the house call to happen this Friday, October 30, 2009 during the day. The dad will also have to be in studio on November 5th.

Are you able to connect me with any new stay at home dads in the Los Angeles or Orange County market? You can feel free to give them my name and contact information.

Alyssa Coopman

As always, feel free to get in touch with Alyssa directly, and please let me know if you connect.

6 Responses to “On More Media Request: Any SoCal Dads Out There?”

  1. larry

    28. Oct, 2009

    You should connect them with a gay couple in the LA area through the Pop Luck Club. They will then see how much “help” dad needs with the organization of the home. These guys will turn these people on their heads with organization.

    Why is it that they assume that Dads need help?? What are we?


  2. My Kids' Daddy

    28. Oct, 2009

    Here’s my blog for Dads and other role-model-ish adults.


  3. Laurie

    29. Oct, 2009

    Hey Rebel Dad,
    Want to let you know that I cited your blog in my newest post “The New Normal: Mom’s at Work, Dad’s at Home” Visit http://www.expectingwords.com and take a look.
    You’re doing great work!

  4. Chris

    09. Nov, 2009

    Right with You Larry,
    Annoying how the Media still treats, stay@home Dads, as a practice in Lampoon-ism! What is it that forces some to believe, Women are inherently better suited to stay Home. Karen, My Wife, confesses that “She” would never have the patience to do what I do?
    Not all women are born with the Mother instinct, not all instinct is actuated upon birth.
    World Live with it!
    As if “No” Woman, would ever need help adjusting to a new baby. Right?
    Let’s look at postpartum depression, Post birth weight gain. Mother’s and alcohol use, smoking is higher in Women, then in Men right now, so what about all that good judgment, MOM!
    Yeah, I bet that somehow, it would all be encapsulated into being Dads fault!
    He’s never Home, He never say’s I’m pretty, we never go anywhere.
    Face it guy’s, we are never going to live down the fact, We can’t carry that thing for nine months. Although most of us, carried Mom also, ice cream runs at 3 am, never a door unopened, What can I get you honey?
    So think about it Brooke?
    Producers of the show;You should try to answer this one for Me. We are able to provide hart and soul, but not labor of love? Shallow.

  5. Anonymous

    27. Nov, 2010

    woman the nesting creature
    unnatural will produce unnatural: naturaly
    Dad’s do not stay at home

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