All the Vasectomy News That's Fit to Print

Posted on 18. Jun, 2009 by Brian Reid in General

Since I’m a big fan about writing about vasectomies (hey! someone has to do it), I should point you to this week’s USA Today column on the subject. It’s kind of a good-news, bad-news kind of thing. The good news is that vasectomies seem to be on the rise, a consequence of the recession. (This isn’t breaking news, but seeing it in USA Today does raise the profile.) The bad news is that the procedure is still under-used.

There are a lot of bad reasons why the procedure isn’t all that common, and USA Today tries to bust those myths. Sadly, there’s a lot of work to be done. In Home Game, the Michael Lewis book I talked about Monday, Lewis writes about his traumatic experience with a vasectomy. (It wasn’t actually traumatic, but that didn’t seens to squelch Lewis’ sense of drama.)
So let me say again — as a public service — a vasectomy is not a procedure to get worked up about.

3 Responses to “All the Vasectomy News That's Fit to Print”

  1. Dirk

    26. Jun, 2009

    I’ve had one, it didn’t go well, although the resulting story is funny.

  2. Daddy Geek Boy

    07. Jul, 2009

    Agreed! The worst part about mine was just getting out of my own way. At the end of it all, women have it way way way worse than we do.


  1. Colbert on March Nad-Less | RebelDad - 18. Mar, 2010

    [...] take seriously my obligation to serve as a resource for those dads seeking information and perspective on vasectomies, so I must, in in the interest of comprehensiveness, forward along [...]

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