It's a Good Time to Be a Urologist

Posted on 24. Mar, 2009 by Brian Reid in General

Thanks to Jason, I’m now well-informed about the current state of the vasectomy business, which is apparently booming due to the threat of disappearing health benefits for the soon-to-be-unemployed as well as the fact that cutting an additional private-school tuition check is way harder when the Dow is in the tank.

But you don’t need to be an out-of-work stockbroker to give your urologist a call. If you’re done with the having-kids thing, don’t wait for your wife to take action. Step up and call a urologist. You’ll be glad you did.

3 Responses to “It's a Good Time to Be a Urologist”

  1. rudy

    25. Mar, 2009

    some guys do think of money over children. They are thinking of how they will pay more child support it they would father another child with a phyco bitch. Some do not want be fathers to live a life of travel, and fun and a lot of sex. As for me I love children and my uncles brother in law and some of my friends did it for those reasons. They will grow alone, divorce, rich maybe yeah right and lots of pets.and photoe albums of their good times. Yet all sad inide the seed has die forever with them, their heritage, their family tree, and most of all the gift of being a father. Money is only a way to have what you want of the power to control the way a person might want to live. but it will not make you happy.
    we can only eat,drink, travel, and have sex for so long. Kids make a diffrence in my world.
    And if it is for a medical reason then it is sad for that man that maybe did want to have children.
    women want that from you down the line.

  2. Chad Too

    27. Mar, 2009

    This topic always takes me back to a particular at-home dads convention in Chicago. Your first visit as I recall. Not every guy’s snip-snip gets a write-up in the Post, so I guess I and my now-disconnected nards are forever immortalized.

    Good memories.

  3. Surfer Jay

    31. Mar, 2009

    I allready have my appointment….and the peas are in the freezer.

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