Forget the Golden Globe Winners — Here's the Film You Should See
Posted on 20. Jan, 2009 by Brian Reid in General
If you’re already over the Slumdog Millionaire hype and you’re living in the greater Baltimore area, try to track down a babysitter for Sunday night. That’s when Michael Ivan Schwartz will unveil Happy SAHD, a documentary about a bunch of Baltimore-area fathers who made the choice to do the at-home dad thing.
(Actually, it all goes down at 4 p.m., so you can haul the kids along — for free. The location is Creative Alliance at The Patterson, 3134 Eastern Ave. Its five bucks for adults.)
The trailer is up here, and due to my recent move way the heck away from DC, I won’t be able to make it. Love to hear any reviews from those who make it out. (Props to Peter Baylies for flagging.)