Rice Krispies: The Official Cereal of Rebeldad

Posted on 25. Jan, 2008 by Brian Reid in General

This may be a sad commentary on how *few* TV commercials include fathers as central characters, but I just saw the new spot for Rice Krispies that has a dad being goofy at the breakfast bar with his three daughters. It was warm and touching (which is great) and unique (which is unfortunate). But well worth a watch over at childhoodiscalling.com.

So I have an official cereal now, to go along with the official peanut butter (Jif).

[To Food and Consumer Product Makers: You, too, can get the rebeldad.com stamp of approval. All you have to do is throw dad a bone now and again and include a non-caricature father in your TV ads. It's that tough. Really.]

3 Responses to “Rice Krispies: The Official Cereal of Rebeldad”

  1. Will

    26. Jan, 2008

    Rice Krispies, yes. Jif, no. Jif’s commercials sound like the “and Dads” was only added as an after thought.

  2. Lindsay Lebresco

    28. Jan, 2008

    We’re getting there… http://www.insidefatherhood.com/to-gracos-credit/
    Tune in in 2008. My husband couldn’t agree more…

  3. SuburbanDaddy

    01. Feb, 2008

    I already eat Rice Krispies every day. I could be the spokesdad.

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