This Book I Gotta Read

Posted on 17. Apr, 2007 by Brian Reid in General

Stunning as it now seems, I went through a rather deep punk phase in college, which included — among many, many other SoCal/skate-punk/Epitaph-type bands — a CD or two of Pennywise. Now, come to find out that the frontman for Pennywise has a dad book out. Once I track down a copy, I’ll let you know if it’s better than the music …

(Hat tip to Daddy Forever, who liked it.)

3 Responses to “This Book I Gotta Read”

  1. Daddy Forever

    18. Apr, 2007

    If you can’t get a hold of one, I’ll send you mine. Let me know.

  2. Greg Barbera

    18. Apr, 2007

    i don’t believe it comes out until May… and i guess i better get off my ass and write a cool parent book ;-)

  3. Pete Aldin

    18. Apr, 2007

    I’m 50 pages into it and it rocks!

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