Vienna Goes All Out for Gender Neutrality

Posted on 13. Feb, 2007 by Brian Reid in General

It sounds like I’ve been railing at all the wrong things. I sit hear, day after day, talking about TV shows or movies or newspaper columns that I think get the whole gender-neutrality thing wrong, wrong, wrong, when — really — I should be thinking broader. Like Vienna.

Apparently, some fine Austrians have decided that the traditional stick-figure signage they had could use an updating, with a modern twist. So they’ve made all sorts of signs that give the old-fashioned stick figures a kick. There are construction workers wearing skirts, etc. etc. But, most importantly, the diaper-changing-station signage now features dad and baby!

Of course, the signage isn’t the first step in the crusade for gender-neutral diapers. The first step is actually getting diaper changing stations in the (*&$^ing men’s rooms of this nation. (As a reminder, Daddy Types, where I found this story in the first place, has helpfully mapped out the diaper-friendly men’s rooms in NYC. Judging from Greg’s effort, we still have miles to go. C’mon — there are still no facilities in the Hooters men’s room?)

No Responses to “Vienna Goes All Out for Gender Neutrality”

  1. Kelly M. Bray

    13. Feb, 2007

    Changing tables in the rest rooms……grrrr. This one really tics me off too. I posted this in an earlier comment, but it bears repeating. In 1999 I was looking for a place to change my son, and found the mens room had no changing table, and it was raining outside, so the car was out. A manager came by and I asked why there was no table, and he said ” Men don’t usually need one, why don’t you ask one of the women going into the ladies room to change him for you” I looked at him like he was the biggest idiot in the world and said “So you are suggesting that I ask a total stranger to touch my son’s genitals? This sounds like sex discrimination in your provision of services” He freaked out and apologized, and I changed him on the managers desk. I will tell you thank god he did not suggest I change him on the bathroon floor like others had. The floor of a mens room, eewwww! A month later the restaurant did install baby changing stations in the mens room. This was Chuck E. Cheese, a place you would expect would have sort of a clue. I ran into this in many restaurants, they almost always had one in the women’s restroom. I think alot needs still to be done

  2. journeywoman

    13. Feb, 2007

    Minors (including babies) aren’t allowed in bars, at least here in Washington state, so maybe that’s why Hooters didn’t bother putting a changing station in their restroom.

  3. dayv

    13. Feb, 2007

    The local ice arena, as well as our bounce house inflatable jumpy wharehouse play place, where my at-home dads group frequent still haven’t installed them despite requests. I always end up in the women’s restroom (single person) at the bounce house, or have changed my son on the rink managers desk.

    Granted, I used to work at the rink and am good friends with the manager….

    I have made comments at other places (restaurants, local shops, etc) that I frequent sometimes with another AHD or two, and they have installed changing stations.

  4. Rebel Dad

    13. Feb, 2007

    Journeywoman: But they have them in the *women’s room* at Hooters. The mind reels.

  5. Grace

    14. Feb, 2007

    The search of clean changing stations is an on-going one. I have no idea how people live in big cities and only use the mass transit. A place to change diapers is one of the reasons I got my midsize SUV. I always had a clean place to change my kids. So KUDOS to all you Dads & Moms who have to face this issue every day.

    One question…is there a Nordstrom in a mall near you? In their ladies rooms, there’s a separate section that has couches (for breastfeeding Moms) with a changing station and sink right next to it. Maybe check the men’s room? That might end up being your back-up place when you’re out and about….

  6. trophyhusband

    15. Feb, 2007

    I know I’m in a minority on this one, but personally I think this issue is a total red-herring. Think about the hygiene of a diaper deck for a second…it this really where you want to put your kid down for a diaper change? Or from where you return your diaper pad back into your bag? Not me…I’ll improvise any day! The stroller was always my favorite “emergency” location when in an urban environment, car when in a suburban environment.

    Personally, I think there are bigger battles to wage.

    - Andy, AHD, thousands changed. :-)

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