The Manfesto Project

Posted on 14. Dec, 2006 by Brian Reid in General

As I hinted yesterday, I’m on to a new project to gather some big-picture thinking on parenthood from my readers. More in today’s On Balance,which includes *my* big-picture thinking:

Today, I have a challenge: I want you to share your universal truths about parenthood. E-mail me (at a manifesto of no more than 500 words on any parenting/balance topic you can think of, and I’ll post them all at and highlight the best of them on the main page and/or this space.

I’m inspired by a recent project from one of the more interesting bloggers out there, Hugh MacLeod from (occasionally NSFW). He’s been calling for manifestos of 500 words or less on any topic and posting some of the more interesting ones. It’s fascinating to see the big-picture thinking that has emerged. I want to expand this kind of knowledge-sharing, so please pass along your thoughts. They don’t have to be perfect. Just true.

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