Quick Bites

Posted on 13. Mar, 2006 by Brian Reid in General

* Ben, the guy behind the incredible Trixie Update has formally released his track-your-baby’s-every-poo software package. The power of Trixie Tracker, a web-based app, can be yours for less than $5 a month.

* On the subject of web stuff for parents, every other parenting site has linked to the very pretty and easy-to-navigate Minti. So I might as well, too.

* I am all for gender equity, but Dial’s call for men to Take Back the Shower isn’t really where we should be fighting the battle. (Thanks to Feministing for the link.)

* I can’t help myself: turns out the mommy wars are full of conscientious objectors. Leslie Morgan Steiner’s Washington Post piece seemed to generate a one-sided response: the paper printed two reader responses, both of them negative. And Steiner herself mentions on her blog that at the first reading for her book, “There wasn’t any anger.” Of course there’s no anger. There’s no war.

Bonus Steiner link: Check out her posting from today. And then read the comments. Glad to hear the revolution in fatherhood has finally reached her home.

No Responses to “Quick Bites”

  1. dayv

    13. Mar, 2006

    Mommy wars are everywhere. I caught about 2 minutes of a Katie Couric interview on the Today Show this morning. I didn’t get the names of the ladies she was interviewing, but the big heading on the screen was “Mommy Wars, to work or stay home”

  2. Matt

    14. Mar, 2006

    Thanks for the Minti mention - we are very keen to encourage Dad’s to come and participate in our parenting community and would love to hear ideas on how to improve the experience for Dads out there . We are focussing on grouping features next and these should help in the formation and communication between parenting groups.

  3. crazedparent

    14. Mar, 2006

    i’m glad so many agree. i am truly tired of hearing about the mom wars as well. i recently blogged about wendy sach’s experience with GMA (which she wrote about on her blog too). just wait, though - as soon as more stories appear about dads, you’ll get your own “war” too!

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