More Community-Building

Posted on 16. Dec, 2005 by Brian Reid in General

As you’ve probably noticed, I’ve been testing Google ads on this page. With some of my recent behind-the-scenes changes, the cost of maintaining the site grew a little, and I wanted to see if I could recoup some of those costs. You’ll probably be happy to hear that the experiment was largely a failure. The ads weren’t particularly well-targeted, and I’ve pulled them down. I may experiment with some other options, but for now we’re back to ad-free.

But if I’m trying selling our, you deserve an improved at the very least. So I’ve launched a forum where you can swap stories and advice. I had a reader ask me if I knew of any good fatherhood forums and had to admit that I didn’t. So I’ve created a new one. Have at it.

(I should note that I have no desire to build one of those little-used forums that litter the web. I’m giving this six months, and if no community develops, I’ll take it offline.)

Also: if you read as an RSS feed (and you should), you should see some subtle changes within the feed, including simple ways to e-mail posts, add interesting post to and see comments. Those items are only available when you use the feed. They won’t be seen if you’re using

No Responses to “More Community-Building”

  1. TK

    16. Dec, 2005

    Not to rain on your forum parade but what about the Daddystayshome forum at ?

    This is a great SAHD forum with 300+ registered users. I’m a little surprised you don’t know about it.

  2. Rebel Dad

    16. Dec, 2005

    Excellent point, and a forum I hadn’t visited in a long, long time. Perhaps there’s not the need I realized …

  3. KC

    17. Dec, 2005

    Oh, I haven’t seen that forum before now. Glad someone mentioned it.

    RD, don’t get overstretched trying to provide too much to the SAHD community. I wonder if that’s what happened to the slowdad owner — burnout.

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