Posted on 11. Oct, 2004 by Brian Reid in General
Special Holiday Edition of Rebel Dad dedicated to answering the question of what John Kerry meant when he said during Friday’s debate that “I’ve even scaled back some of my favorite programs already, like the child-care program I wanted to fund …”
I highlighted his proposal when it came out and find that the bare bones of it are still featured on his web site. Did his statement in the debate mean that the proposal he talked about in June had already been watered down? Or has he taken his proposal from this summer off of the table? No post-debate covered I’ve seen touched on the point.
Anyone know? Anyone care? I’ll probably try to call the campaign in the next couple of days, but I fear that won’t get me far … suggestions welcome.
22. Oct, 2004
The proposal is highlighted in today’s “A Fresh Start for Working Women in America,” looking pretty much the same as it did over the summer:
The child care tax credit would be expanded to cover up to $5,000 per child, up from $3,000. It would be made “partially refundable” so moderate-income families could benefit. And “stay-at-home parents of infants” could benefit. And federal support for afterschool programs would be expanded.