Posted on 08. May, 2003 by Brian Reid in General

Reaction continues to roll in to the Newsweek cover story titled “She Works, He Doesn’t.” While some has been positive, I can safely report that working moms are pretty ticked. And one of Rebel Dad’s most famous readers weighed in with this: “I’m thinking about rustling up a posse, grabbing the bullhorn and heading over to that there Newsweek corporate office to set them damn Yankees straight about this whole SAHD thing.” And that was the mild part.

The next project? Reading through an online chat with the author of the piece. The chat happened today, and we haven’t had a chance to examine it over here at RD central. If you can read quicker than I, please send along your thoughts. I’m curious as hell, because the author, Peg Tyre, seemed awfully nice on the phone …

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