Posted on 01. Apr, 2003 by Brian Reid in General

Just when you thought I was done with Ann Crittenden who has written so thoughtfully on how mothers (and primary caregivers, more generally) get the shaft, I have more dispatches from her latest effort, the awkwardly titled group Mothers Ought to Have Equal Rights.

As has been mentioned before, the central thrust of M.O.T.H.E.R. is a wish list of societal and legal changes that would value caregiving in a real and meaningful sense. And to calculate that value, the group has a survery to determine the value to a household. It’s a neat tool, and it focuses on the end-all, be-all yardstick in 21st century America: dollars and cents.

(As always, I wish ‘em the best of luck, but their timing looks to be tough. They’re promoting a march on Washington on Mother’s Day. Sadly, I’m not sure that Washington will be paying attention to that particular issue …)

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