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- Today Show/Marie Claire on Trophy Husbands
- Of Mice and Men (Actually: Of Rats and Dads)
- The 14 Things Moms Should Know About At-Home Dads
- Can I Nominate NPM as a Convention Speaker for 2011?
- More on the Today Show and Marie Claire
- If You Read One At-Home Dad Piece This Year ...
- Imagine Watching "Mr. Mom" In Reverse ...
- Raging Hormones and Good Dads
- "Baby Blues" and Dad School
- Amazon Decides to Challenge Pampers for Tone-Deaf-to-Dads Title
- MTv Takes on the At-Home Dad
- NYT Goes After Pampers on the Dad Thing
- Do We Really Need Dad?
- PR, Daddyblogging and the Long Road to Equity
- The Pampers Boycott is *Off* (For Now)
- Slate Says Dads Are Liars (And Why That's Good)
- Blinding Me with Science, Dad-Style
- Moms, Dads, Harmony, Baloney and Babble
- Pampers: Now More Macho Than Imaginable
- Can't-Miss, Last-Minute Father's Day Gift Idea
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Dad Blogs
- A Dad's Heart
- A Dad's Note
- A Family Runs Thrugh It
- A Greying Wolf
- Always home and uncool
- At Home Father
- At Home With Dad
- At-home dad newsletter
- At-Home_guitBox-Daddy
- AtHomeDaddy
- Because I Said So
- Being Daddy
- Being The Dad of Twins
- Big Daddy Paul
- Big Friggin Hammer
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- Campdaddy's Blog
- Celebrating Colum
- Clark Kent's Lunchbox
- Corndog and Rootbeer
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- Cry It Out
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- Dad in Real Life
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- Dad's Life
- Daddy Des the Dishes
- Daddy Dialectic
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- Daddy Forever
- Daddy in a strange land
- Daddy Tries
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- David the Stay at Home Dad
- Dead Beat Daddy - O
- Dear Spike, Love Dad
- Denguy
- Diary of a Dad Man
- Dissonant Dad
- DIYFather
- Domestic Father
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- Ed @ Home Dad
- Endless Grins
- Eric the Stay Home Dad
- Evan Valentine, Stay-at-Home Dad
- Gaddy Daddy
- Gaming with Baby
- Gay Dads with Kids
- Goo Goo Dadda
- Growing Things
- Health Revolution
- Here Goes Everything
- Homo Domesticus
- Honea Express
- Hooray for Saturday
- Hopeless Cases
- House Ex-Husband Diaries
- House on Red Corner
- I'm Not a Slacker
- IGotYourBackMan
- In the Schutte House
- ISTP Dad
- It's only me, Josh
- Jeoprah
- KC Home Dad
- Laid-Off Dad
- Life as Daddy
- Little m Long a
- Long Island Dad
- Looky Daddy
- Looney Toon Dad's Blog
- Marathon Dad
- MileHiDad
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- Monkey Daddy
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- Newish in Edmonton
- Not in Kansas Anymore
- Nuclear Family Warhead
- NYC Dads Group
- Oak Park Dad
- Occupation: Dad
- Omaha Dad
- On fresno dome
- OpenAppleDumb
- Our Saz Life
- Papa Don't Teach
- Parenting the Hard Way
- Paternal Life
- Patriside
- Pirate Papa
- Puppybark - Baby blog
- Raising a Father
- Rice Daddies
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- Silly Dad
- Spain Dad
- Spark Dad
- Stay at home dad
- Stay at home, Work at home Dad
- Stay-at-Home Dad in Lansing
- Stay-At-Home Daddy Drivel
- STL Homeboy
- Suburban Daddy
- Tales of a Toddler Chasin'
- Tapirs Poop
- That's a Lovely Booger
- The adventures a stay at home dad
- The adventures of a home dad
- The Angry SaHD
- The Biology Mart
- The Dad is in
- The Diligent Dad
- The Fall of James
- The Hossman Chronicles
- The Jasper Chronicles
- The JeepCruzer Chronicles
- The Life and Adventures of Jeff Duckworth
- The Only Man of the House
- The Penultimate Genius
- The Philosopher Dad
- The Soto update
- The Stay - At- Home Dad Saga
- The Trixie update
- The Wahdad Chronicles
- Thinkdaddy
- This is Now
- Thunder Pie
- Too Much Blue Sky
- Trebon, Trebon, Trebon
- Trees and the Houses Walk Along
- UberDaddy
- Undercurrent
- Vancouver Dad
- Whatever It Takes
- Wipe His What
- Wise Dads
- Wrath66
- Yet Another Small Town Moment