Personal Updates

Posted on 25. Jul, 2006 by rebel in General

I know I play it pretty close to the chest when it comes to details of my actual, real life, but there are a couple of items I want share with you. Most importantly, the RebelFamily added a member last month (RM mentioned this in the comments, but it deserves to be said here). RebelMom and RebelPreemie are both doing great, and I am going through that wonderful period in which I feel nothing but admiration for my wife, love for my kids and overwhelming, near-constant exhaustion.

I also hinted last week about a new outlet for me, and Chip, in the comments, nails it: I’ll be guest-blogging every Thursday over at the Washington Post’s On Balance blog, which is run by Leslie Morgan Steiner. Leslie (and her producer) are to be commended for giving me this spot despite the frequency with which I … ahem … question her worldview. I should start this week.

9 Responses to “Personal Updates”

  1. chip

    25. Jul, 2006

    That’s great Brian, congratulations on both counts!

    I think you’ll provide a really important perspective over at the Post blog. And it’ll be interesting to see what the reactions will be, it’s a real free-for-all at times over there, isn’t it.

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  2. Chag

    25. Jul, 2006

    Congratulations on the birth of your child and the Washington Post gig!

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  3. Tony

    25. Jul, 2006

    Very cool - Congratulations!

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  4. Ken Cheung

    25. Jul, 2006

    Congratulations Brian on the baby and your new column!

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  5. APL

    25. Jul, 2006

    That’s so exciting! Congratulations to you and RebelMom on your expanding family!

    (And congrats on the Post gig, of coruse, but naturally I’m more excited about the baby-sorry.)

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  6. Asha Dornfest

    26. Jul, 2006

    Ditto, ditto! Two exciting developments…best of luck to you and your family!

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  7. Darth Daddy

    27. Jul, 2006

    Congrats on the new baby!

    Don’t you just love that high - right after the baby arrives and your family just seems to have a glow about them? Wonderful feeling!

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  8. moderndaydad

    28. Jul, 2006

    Dude. Congratulations. I’m right there with you (my new one was born a week ago). You’re still blogging up a storm however, which means I really have no excuse to be slacking as much as I am. I’m up in the middle of the night anyway…

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  9. Mark

    30. Jul, 2006

    Congratulations on both new additions! I don’t know if keeping the personal stuff quiet is a privacy issue, but I do always enjoy hearing more of the “insider” stuff on the daddyblogs. Enjoy being a new daddy…again! :)

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