Late-Night Grab Bag

Posted on 13. Jan, 2006 by rebel in General

Greg over at Daddy Types catches a great opportunity for you about-to-become-SAHDs: Queer Eye is looking for new dads to make over. You gotta be expecting this spring and live in the NYC. Looks like the casting call happened a couple of days ago, but I’m curious to see the show. Never has chaos reigned like it did in the low-sleep period of new parenthood. And I don’t think there’s a damn thing Carson could have done about it.

MSN is apparently running monthly columns from an at-home dad. I noted the last one in December. The latest one is a stirring defense of the at-home dad, though, truth be told, I don’t think that we actually need that much of a defense. I can’t think of anyone I’ve met who assumed for a moment that the job isn’t demanding.

Jeff of No, Ma’am and the Delaware At-Home Dad Association floated an interesting proposal by me: how about a *regional* at-home dad group? A group of that sort could pool its media savvy, offer mini-conventions and getaways to local dads, create a clearinghouse of experienced advice-dishing dads or organize multi-group outings (imagine a trip to the Philly Zoo, Jeff said, with dozens of SAHDS from four states touring the place). Of course, getting dads together — even locally — can be a neat trick, but there’s something appealing about seeing connections made between different local groups. Jeff is obviously thinking mid-Atlantic, but I could see this working just as well to tie the active groups in the midwest, California, etc. What do you all think? Interesting? Viable?

6 Responses to “Late-Night Grab Bag”

  1. Jeff

    13. Jan, 2006

    I’m anxious to see what some others think about this.
    It really was just a passing thought, but still a good one I think.
    Honestly, I’m not thinking something of a seriously tight knit kinda thing. More of a center of operations so to speak. A virtual place for leaders or members of each already established group to get together to organize joint outings, vent, whatever.

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  2. Jeff

    13. Jan, 2006

    thanks for mentioning it by the way

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  3. Jeremiah Lee

    14. Jan, 2006

    I’d be interested (Midwestern), although honestly I’m not sure how much time I’d have for this. I have my blog, my writing, my children, my wife, an email game, and…oh yeah, breathing, that all would come before this.

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  4. Stuart Ungar

    14. Jan, 2006

    Boy, Jeff is on a roll. Good idea. I remember an outing the Delaware group had visiting the Balt Aquarium with the DCMEtro Dads. It was fun and exciting, but there was actually only one DCMEtro Dad (singular). Still fun. I would love for this to happen around Louisville. I would assume for the better weather. So, midwest folks within driving distance, drop me a line.

    Having formal regional areas is, on second thougth, a really GREAT IDEA. Could pull everyone together much more. So, Jeff… make it so!

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  5. Eric

    15. Jan, 2006

    Sounds great … I’m in Central Massachussets … but a New England region would be a good thing … any NE-based Dad’s feel free to drop me a line or two …

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  6. Eric

    15. Jan, 2006

    of course, it would be helpful if I noticed that the comments didn’t automatically include an email link … for NE SAHDs -

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