Broadcasting This Week from the WaPo

Posted on 04. Feb, 2009 by rebel in General

This has been a quiet week here, but it’s not because I’m not blogging. The smart and insightful writer of the Washington Post’s On Parenting blog suffered a personal tragedy last week, so I’ve been filling in over there for the past few days.

In particular, you’ll want to check out “Tight Lipped Moms are Mad At Dads.”
In the meantime, there’s a backlog around here for RD stuff, and I’ll get to that soonest.

5 Responses to “Broadcasting This Week from the WaPo”

  1. rudy

    08. Feb, 2009

    but why be mad why o why

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  2. Kelly M. Bray

    09. Feb, 2009

    “Tight lipped moms are mad at dads”. Maybe it should read..”Women with personal communication issues blame husbands for lack of telepathy.” Same fake statistics about women doing more than men. Taking ALL factors into account men do an equal share in contributions to the household. Housework is not sacred. You have to combine work hours, commute times, housework, childcare, car maintenance, house maintenance, yard work, etc. into the equation. If you want your husband to do more housework, maybe he needs to work less. Or you mow the lawn or help him with the roof. Find a balance that works for both of you, but remember that maybe you need to cut back in other areas.

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  3. David

    13. Feb, 2009

    Great comment Kelly. That is exactly what I was thinking when I read it.

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  4. Hombre

    16. Feb, 2009


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  5. Kate

    16. Feb, 2009

    I think Kelly’s right, too. Communication is the key. Sometimes dads just aren’t aware of all the details moms are keeping in their heads about the kids’ lives. And moms are afraid to ask the dads to take some of it on, yet not doing so breeds resentment.

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