Diaper Porn
Posted on 21. Mar, 2008 by rebel in General
When the Cambridge Women’s Pornography Cooperative came out with a book of lavishly photographed, partially clad men doing household chores called “Porn for Women,” I thought it was pretty funny.
Now they’ve come up with a sequel called “Porn for New Moms” that shows shirtless dads changing diapers and such. While the joke was humorous the first time around, the second effort has me less amused. I guess I don’t find it all that jaw-dropping that guys would be doing middle-of-the-night feedings, and using that as a punchline to a joke (look! it’s a hot guy warming a bottle!) just doesn’t have legs.
Working Dad
21. Mar, 2008
I agree. That concept is both overdone and stale.
How About Two?
21. Mar, 2008
It goes along with the tired sitcom adage that daddy is a dufus, incapable of anything other than burping and breaking things.
Lone Star Ma
22. Mar, 2008
Dads in our culture have come a whole long way in the past two generations, but the caregiving/housework gap is still there. It will stop being funny to people when parents being equal partners is more widespread. There’s still a really long way to go. I try to have sympathy…but I don’t.
22. Mar, 2008
l find that funny . down where am from ,the men have along way to go as far has helping around the house goes.
23. Mar, 2008
Statistics still show that men (on average) do significantly less housework and caretaking than women- the gap is worst with fathers of infants. That holds true even when mom works full-time outside the home.
24. Mar, 2008
As a solo dad I’m not offended by the book. Just saddened. It’s amazing how much discrimination is still abundant in our culture. Moreover it’s a bit sad at how such blatant sexism such as the stereotypes promoted in this book impact our daily lives and the lives of our kids.
Jeremy Adam Smith
27. Mar, 2008
The real problem is that every parent knows that the images they depict are sex-killers. I mean, for God’s sake, sex is the last thing on the minds of new moms; and even after the first two months, “Porn for New Moms” would probably consist mostly of lying on a beach while some hunk massages your feet and the husband is back at the hotel with the baby…