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A father puts the stay-at-home dad trend under the microscope

Saturday, February 28, 2009

More Requests: Long Island and Evansville, Indiana
Though I can't claim to be happy about it, the parenting story of the year is the growing group of parents who are at-home for economic reasons. The latest request to come over the transom comes from the nice folks at WLNYTV10/55 News on Long Island. So if you're a new at-home dad because of a recent job loss, and you're in the greater Long Island area and would like to talk about it, let me know.

(In fact, if you fit that description and live *anywhere* and want to talk about it with the press, shoot me an e-mail at and I'll start a database. I keep getting asked this question, and I don't want to plug up the site with journalist requests.)

On a happier note, Chad in Evansville, Indiana is interested in starting up a local dad's group. If you're in the general vicinity, let me know and I'll connect you. You can never have too many connections between dads.

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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Old Time Rock and Roll Dad
I have to be honest: I really hadn't noticed that Bob Seger had all but disappeared from the rock scene for the last decade. But apparently, the musical genius behind "Old Time Rock and Roll," had indeed taken some time off to do the at-home dad thing, according to a piece in the Kansas City Star (the city, apparently, had its mind blown by playing host to the At-Home Dad Convention and now can't resist writing about dads). So add Seger to the list of celebs who have done the at-home dad thing.

Waiting on Babble: is apparently launching tonight. The New York Times profiled the hipper-than-me online mag on Sunday, but what struck me as revolutionary was not that the pub would be hip, but that the folks behind it expected to capture ... dads. Best of luck in that effort, and I can't wait to see the product.

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