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A father puts the stay-at-home dad trend under the microscope


From Mike Bates at MileHiDad:

As a parent, lead by setting the standard and live your life in a way you want your kids to emulate; if you do this, chances are your kids will want to be like you and follow your lead.  Don’t say things that attack or are disrespectful even in jest, little ears pick up the most unusual things and they may get repeated at the most inopportune time. 
Don’t look at parenting just as raising kids and let them do whatever on earth they want, we are really shaping their lives to be the best human possible and in effect, the future of the world.

Child discipline needs to be consistent and applied by both, dad or mom when appropriate, be involved in this unpleasant chore and it should never solely fall on one parent or the other if you have a two parent family, and never discipline out of anger.  Because when anger enters the picture nothing is learned and no one gets anything out of it.

Teach your kids to accept everybody for whom they are; every person doesn’t have to be their friend and shouldn’t be.  This doesn’t mean they don’t have to be polite to them, but treat all like they want to be treated and move on. 


A smile is worth a mile, a frown brings the world down.

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