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A father puts the stay-at-home dad trend under the microscope


From Patrick Lewis

Raise your children to be good people: Good spouses, good employees, good citizens. 

Teach them to be kind and to respect others. 

Teach them to be loyal and confident.

Teach them to love.

In order to encourage all these characteristics the parent must teach through example. Thus, we must be (or try to be) all these things ourselves.

Teach your children to make good decisions.  That means discipline.  At times it will be unpleasant but we must teach our children that making bad decisions leads to unpleasant consequences. 

Foster a joy for life.  Allow them to play and be children.  Encourage them to love learning. 

Always listen but always be the parent. 

Give your children a clear moral paradigm whether it be rooted in religion or ethics or both. 

Understand that as parents we are the most important factor in what type of person our children become.  What we do matters, even the little things.

Tell your children you love them every day.

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