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A father puts the stay-at-home dad trend under the microscope


From Chrissie:

Manners STILL Matter

Even though the axiom "out of the mouths of babes" describes the surprising things children say, it was never meant to describe in cute terms an ill-mannered child. It was meant to describe surprising wisdom from children.

In case you're wondering, the following are not indicative of wisdom:

1.      The seven words we used to not be able to say on television.
2.      I hate you.
3.      Ho sans the ending "e."
4.      Screaming.
5.      Now, now, now!
6.      Mine!
7.      Gimme!
8.      Referring to all women as "witches" spelled with a "b"

Teach your children manners and those things won't spew forth from their mouths like verbal diarrhea.

It is disturbing to visit my daughter's school and hear words even longshoremen wouldn't use. It is bothersome to be shoved out of the way or be commanded to "just move" by a 10-year-old instead of hearing "excuse me." It is worrisome that "please," "thank you," and "you're welcome" are considered optional.

Such a fundamental lack of respect only starts at home and manifests itself in so many ways.  It isn't okay for a child to kick the back of someone's seat for the duration of a three-hour flight. It is okay to ask that the child be made to stop doing so, so the dirty looks and nasty replies really aren't necessary. It isn't okay for a child to scream non-stop during your meal at Applebee's. A parent might consider this music or be able to tune it out, but the rest of us went to the restaurant to enjoy a nice, quiet meal. It isn't cute when a child throws things at others. No one likes to be hit in the face by some unknown child's toy.  It isn't "just being a kid" when a child takes another child's toy. It's being selfish. It isn't a game when a child hits someone. It's being mean.

All of those things are rude and disrespectful.  Please make your children stop. If they won't stop, please remove them from the public place you are in. It is the polite and courteous thing to do. Oh, and while you are at it, please teach them to say "please," "thank you," "excuse me," and "you're welcome."

Children won't magically learn these things at some point. If not taught good manners, they will grow up to be rude, ill-mannered, selfish adults just like the ones people complain about. They will be the jerks who cut you off in traffic, the idiots who run you over at the metro station, and the morons who step over you when you fall instead of helping you up.

Manners still matter. Teach them. Insist upon them. Use good manners yourself. Your child will grow up to be a nicer, better person and the rest of us will appreciate it greatly. Thank you.

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